It is everything, and also, nothing... all at once.
A whole universe, but an endless void.
A collection of contradictions, guided by intuitions.
Blinded by self-destruction; enlightened by reincarnation.
If you think I know what I am doing, then this is a perfect illusion.
Carving a way through dreams; both awake and asleep.
Blood and dust.
Here and gone, all at once.
A bit of everything.
Cosmic lives. Magnetic death.
Horrific loves. Cathartic loss.
Embrace the beauty of the dark.
Softly killing the echoes of lost memories.
Kiss the monsters who are sweeter than they seem.
Swim through waves of energies and creative collisions.
Join the highs with the lows, and feel it all together.
A bit of everything.
Now, as our eyes light up with curiosity, will you ask :
" What is it that you do my dear ? "
Then I may answer " A bit of everything. "
If I dare to.
And between the lines of electric connexions,
I hope to find my perfect balance between the light and the dark.
Thank you for being here β‘